On Writing


Writing is like breathing. I can’t think what else makes me feel better whenever I feel sad or have something difficult to deal with. When I’m being creative, I’m using alpha brain waves. I become calm and I feel safe. I can feel without someone else telling me I’m wrong or there’s obviously something wrong with me.

When I write, there is no one around to tell me I shouldn’t. There’s no one to stop me. There is no one to tell me the story idea is all wrong. It’s unrealistic. That’s not how people behave. Sometimes it’s better to go with something even if a naysayer says it’s wrong.

Editing is a separate process. That’s the time for criticism and realism. Not before.

I tend to write fiction, but I also have written and do write some non-fiction too. I’ve written articles, lab reports, a few rants and how to books. I don’t mind writing non-fiction. I actually like the challenge it can give me. Writing challenges me in ways nothing else or nobody else has in my life. It’s no wonder I don’t want to stop doing it now.